






Evan Tyler

Video Projection Loop

“Water. Magic Stuff. Liquid, ice, gas.
Cloud, fog, mist, snow, sleet, drip, drop,
Stream, river, lake, sea, ocean, tide.”

This meditation of the many forms of water was written by John Caddy of the Center for Global Environmental Education, Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Water is universal and omnipresent in its connection to our planet. It is fundamental to life on earth, to the vegetation, and to human and animal alike. John Caddy follows the journey of a molecule of water and describes this contemplation in an interesting way that expresses how interconnected on so many levels that water is to our planet. I quote:

“Imagine one molecule of water off the coast of say, Hawaii. One sunny day it vaporizes and evaporates up into the air. It rises and becomes part of a cloud. A few days later, it rains down in Mexico. It is absorbed by the ground. Then a plant root sucks our molecule into itself and the plant makes the molecule part of its flower petals. After a time, the petals wilt and dry, and the molecule vaporizes again and lifts into the sky. Imagine the journey continuing. That molecule of H20 might sink deep underground and become ground-water, or it might get pumped up into a faucet to become part of your own blood sometime, or it might get locked up inside a stone or locked up in a glacier for a few thousand years. It might even be in a tear on your pillow.”

This piece is a reincarnation of an installation created for the Museum of Natural History’s event, entitled, “Turning the Tap”. My work centered on the idea of water as a conduit for meditation. The act of meditation offers a sense of tranquility and the potential for self-awareness.

I view water as a universal symbol of life and death. I found water a powerful symbol for meditation that bridges a universal understanding and awareness of life.